Oral Cancer Screenings


Oral cancer, also known as the ‘silent killer,’ is on the rise. Getting yourself screened for oral cancer is a crucial preventive step that also helps in early detection. Oral cancer is silent during the early stages, and it’s challenging to spot subtle signs.

Our trained dentist near you uses advanced equipment to detect the presence of precancerous and cancerous tissue. Distinctive Dental Care offers non-invasive, reliable oral cancer screening as part of our routine dental exams.

Red Flags That May Indicate Oral Cancer

There are several warning signs that could signal oral cancer, but they may be caused due to other reasons. Only a tissue biopsy can confirm an oral cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Bhojani uses modern technology like the VELscope® to detect the presence of abnormal tissue. A VELscope® shines a bright blue light into the oral cavity to highlight lesions that may not be visible during a manual exam.

Some common oral cancer signs include:

  • Flat white or reddish patches of tissue
  • Persistent mouth ulcers that usually appear on or under the tongue
  • Lumps, masses, bumps on the insides of the cheeks, or under the neck
  • Unexplained tooth loss or sockets that don’t heal after extraction
  • Sudden changes in bite
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • A sore throat that doesn’t heal

Oral cancer may appear on the lips, tongue, hard or soft palate, or tonsils and quickly spread to other parts of the face.

Who Is at Higher Risk?

Heavy smokers, alcohol consumers, and tobacco users may be at higher risk of developing oral cancer. Patients with family history and those with excessive exposure to sunlight may also be high-risk groups. However, it’s best to get regular oral screenings near you once every year or every two years, depending on the risk level.

Oral Cancer Screening at Distinctive Dental Care

Oral cancer screenings in Oswego, IL involve a pain-free, non-invasive procedure. Our trained dentist uses gloved hands to check under the neck, the sides of the face, and jaw for masses or swelling. We may request the patient to rinse with a special dye before using the VELscope®.

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