Tips to Deal with Sensitive Teeth

December 16, 2018

According to a U.S. dental offices survey, one in eight adults has sensitive teeth. This is what causes you to flinch if you have a taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee. It’s the result of enamel wearing away on the teeth and exposing the nerves. Sensitive teeth can be frustrating, but fortunately, there are ways to deal with it and find relief. Your dentist at Distinctive Dental Care is dedicated to maintaining your oral health. Visit either our Villa Park or Oswego, IL office for help in getting relief from sensitive teeth.

Stop grinding your teeth

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can cause worn down or broken teeth and lead to tooth sensitivity. To combat this problem, talk to your dentist at Distinctive Dental Care about mouth guards; wearing one while you sleep prevents clenching and keeps the top and bottom rows of teeth from rubbing together. This should protect the enamel and help with tooth sensitivity.

Use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth

You probably know about fluoride toothpastes, which help to strengthen teeth. There are also toothpastes that are specifically made for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes are formulated to protect teeth and reduce discomfort using ingredients such as potassium nitrate and fluoride.

Limit acidic foods from your diet

Acidic foods such as pickles, oranges, and tomatoes can wear down the enamel, leaving the dentin exposed and causing tooth sensitivity. Give your enamel a break and stay away from foods like this as much as possible. If you do occasionally eat an acidic food, try to pair it with something with lower acidity, such as cheese, nuts, or bananas. This will help to neutralize the acids in your mouth.

Do not brush your teeth too hard

You may think that if you brush harder, your teeth will get cleaner, but actually, it could be wearing down the teeth, starting first with the protective layer of enamel. Instead, brush your teeth gently, and if you’re not using one already, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Avoid using mouthwash too frequently

While mouthwash can be beneficial because it removes germs from the mouth to help keep it healthy, swishing too often can hurt the teeth, especially if the mouthwash contains alcohol. Instead of regular mouthwash all the time, try switching to a neutral fluoride rinse.

Take a break from teeth whitening

It may be tempting to have a touch-up done on your teeth if they’re looking a little discolored, but try to keep from having another teeth whitening procedure if you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity. The chemicals in teeth whitening products are very strong and can wear away at the enamel.

Do not ignore signs of gum disease

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, causes the teeth to pull away from the gums. This leaves the tooth roots exposed. If you’ve noticed that your gums have been redder or puffier than usual, or bleed when you brush, see your dentist as soon as possible. The faster you receive treatment, the easier it is to treat.

Though it may be annoying, tooth sensitivity can be dealt with. Try a few of these tips to see if things improve. For all your oral health needs, see us at Distinctive Dental Care in either Oswego, IL or Villa Park, IL.

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